


本號上一期曾經推送由美國奧斯頓律所駐京辦編輯整理的“美國第232節關稅特朗普總統供稿亮點整理”, 該文對232措施本身進行了較為細緻的解讀並對受影響企業提出了若干實操層面的建議。

一位外國朋友給本文的留言是:I think these measures have been against China. When Trump says they can discuss any country with which they have security relationship is welcome to discuss them to address the threatened impairment of national security caused by imports from that country. USA is member of NATO. It is possible to get a better solution with European countries. With China? I don’t know how is it possible to negotiate. Trump is planning to stop China from growing.

從這幾天事態的一些進展來看, 似乎上述觀察頗有可能不幸言中。 那麼, 考慮下一步的對策就成為應有之義。 今天推送的這篇文章, 主要通過回顧GATT有關安全例外的締約歷史, 試圖對該措施的WTO合法性進行初步分析。



美國時間2018年3月8日, 美國總統特朗普簽署命令, 認為進口鋼鐵和鋁產品威脅到美國國家安全, 決定對進口鋼鐵和鋁產品分別徵收附加關稅。 分析人士普遍認為, 此舉將對全球經濟、多邊貿易體系產生破壞, 可能引發其他經濟體採取報復措施, 或將點燃全球貿易戰。

受到232措施影響的國家陸續展開了回應。 歐洲議會對華關係代表團團長喬·萊恩(Jo LEINEN)在對話新浪財經時表示, 該關稅檔明顯違背世貿規則, 他建議歐盟及中國向WTO起訴美國, 如果有必要, 還可以在一定範圍內進行反擊。 [1]

歐盟委員會主管貿易的委員塞西莉亞·瑪律姆斯特倫10日表示, 歐盟將就美國鋼鋁產品關稅政策繼續與美談判。 [2]


德國經濟部長Brigitte Zypries表示, 特朗普的政策正將全球自由經濟秩序置於危險之中, 同時提議稱, 德國及其盟友現在必須捍衛自由貿易秩序, 避免被特朗普提出的免除部分盟友關稅的提議所分裂。 [3]

3月10日, 經澳大利亞總理特恩布林證實, 澳大利亞也獲得了鋼鋁關稅豁免。 [4]

中國要怎樣回應232措施?學者們紛紛獻計, 比如團結其他受232措施影響的國家、精心設計反制措施、訴諸WTO爭端解決機制等。 [5]中美貿易戰要打響了嗎?3月11日商務部部長鐘山在記者會上對中美是否會打貿易戰回應稱, 貿易戰沒有贏家, 中國不希望打貿易戰, 也不會主動發起貿易戰。 那麼, 在不採取貿易反制措施的情況下, 貌似要選擇訴諸WTO爭端解決機制這一途徑了, 拋開其費時費力的缺點、WTO上訴機構可能面臨停擺的危機不談,




美國發起232調查的國內法依據是1962年《貿易擴展法》第232節和對應的15C.F.R.第705節。 《貿易擴展法》第232節授權美國商務部負責對特定進口產品進行全面清查以確定該進口產品對美國國家安全產生的影響。 雖然第232節不包括關於“國家安全”的定義, 第232節的國會明確規定“國家安全”包括但不限於“國防”的要求。 [6]

商務部在調查報告中指出, 部長認定232條款目的中的“國家安全”包括“超出了滿足國防要求的必要條件, 對經濟和政府的最低限度的運作有至關重要作用的特定行業的一般安全和福利”。

目前鋼鐵/鋁產品的進口量以及全球鋼鐵、鋁產品的產能過剩的狀況導致未來國內鋼鐵/鋁產業有瀕臨停滯的危險, 美國在國家緊急狀態下無法滿足基本國防需求。 考慮到國民經濟福祉與國家安全的緊密聯繫, 商務部長認為目前進口鋼鐵/鋁的的數量以及全球產能狀況構成美國《1962年貿易擴大法》中第232節中關於“危害國家安全”的定義。 [7]


美國若證明232措施符合WTO規則的規定, 則需要援引GATT1994第21條安全例外。



(a)要求任何締約方提供其認為如披露會違背其基本安全利益的任何資訊, 或



(ii)與武器、彈藥和作戰物質的貿易有關的行動, 及與此類貿易所運輸的直接或間接供應軍事機關的其他貨物或物質有關的行動;



Article XXI: SecurityExceptions

Nothing in thisAgreement shall be construed

(a) to require anycontracting party to furnish any information the disclosure of which itconsiders contrary to its essential security interests, or

(b) to prevent anycontracting party from taking any action whichit considersnecessary for the protection of itsessential security interests.

(i) relating tofissionable materials or the materials from which they are derived;

(ii) relating to the traffic inarms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods andmaterials as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplyinga military establishment;

(iii) taken in time ofwar or other emergency in international relations; or

(c) to prevent anycontracting party from taking any action in pursuance of its obligations underthe United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace andsecurity.

從該條款的文義層面來看, 美國可能援引(b)款(ii)項的後半段“與此類貿易所運輸的直接或間接供應軍事機關的其他貨物或物質”。 若要證明232措施的合WTO性, 需要論證(1)鋼鐵/鋁貿易是直接或者間接供應軍事機關(2)232措施中所保護的“國家安全”應當符合第21條“基本國家安全利益”的要求。 前者更加偏向於事實的認定,在此不予討論。


若對(b)款採用文義解釋的方法進行解讀,無法確認“it considers”、“necessary”和“essential securityinterests”這三者的關係。“it considers”的內容是什麼,是僅僅對“necessary”的判斷,還是可以定義“essential securityinterests”?自WTO成立以來,專家組和上訴機構並未對“基本國家安全利益”進行定義。GATT1994第21條的起草歷程或許幫助理解“essential security interests”的含義。











Article 37

General exceptions tochapter V

Subject to therequirement that such measures are not applied in a manner which wouldconstitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination betweencountries where the same conditions prevail, or a disguised restriction oninternational trade, nothing in Chapter V shall be construed to prevent theadoption or enforcement by any Member of measures:


(c) Relating tofissionable materials;

(d) Relating to thetraffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in othergoods and materials as is carried on for the purpose of supplying a militaryestablishment;

(e) In time of war orother emergency in international relations, relating to the protection of theessential security interestsof aMember;


(k) Undertaken inpursuance of obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenanceof international peace and security.








Article 94

General Exceptions.

Nothing in thisCharter shall be construed to require any Member to furnish any information thedisclosure of which it considers contrary to its essential security interests,or to prevent any Member from taking any action whichit may considerto be necessary tosuch interests:

a) Relating tofissionable materials or their source materials;

b) Relating to thetraffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in othergoods and materials as is carried on for the purpose of supplying a militaryestablishment;

c) In time of war orother emergency in international relations, relating to the protection of itsessential security interests;

d) Undertaken inpursuance of obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenanceof international peace and security.











Article XIX

General Exceptions

1. Nothing in thisAgreement shall be construed

(a) to require anycontracting party to furnish any information the disclosure of whichit considerscontrary to itsessential security interests, or

(b) to prevent anycontracting party from taking any action which it considers necessary for theprotection of its essential security interests.

(i) relating to fissionable materialsor the materials from which they are derived;

(ii) relating to the traffic inarms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods andmaterials as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplyinga military establishment;

(iii) taken in time of war orother emergency in international relations; or

(c) to prevent anycontracting party from taking any action in pursuance of its obligations underthe United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace andsecurity.

(二)“it considers”含義

“it considers”在國際範圍內,被描述為自決權,也即成員國在援引例外時自行判斷實際情況是否滿足安全例外的適用條件。正如1947年日內瓦草案的總結報告所述,“在安全例外下,成員國為保護其安全利益,可以實施其認為必要的與原子材料、軍火貿易、戰時或其他國際緊急狀態有關的任何行動”。

“Under the security exception, Members may ... do whatever theythink necessary to protect their security interests relating to atomicmaterials, arms traffic, and wartime or …other international emergencies.”

成員國行使自決權的範圍存在爭議。學者Roger P.Alford歸納出目前對自決權範圍的幾種不同理解。[9]從文義解釋、歷史解釋的角度出發,可以解讀為締約國可以自行決定一項對保護其基本國家安全利益至關重要的措施且與b項列舉的事項之一相關。如Raj Bhala所述[10],“其”這個詞表明WTO的成員國、WTO專家組或其他審判主體,都無權決定所採取的措施是否符合要求;從系統解釋的角度出發,可以理解為締約國有權自行決定是否援引安全例外,但受善意原則的限制;有些解釋方法更近一步,認為安全例外既有主觀層面又有客觀層面,可以解釋為締約國有權決定是否有必要為保護其基本安全利益而採取某一保護措施,但這一措施是否屬於列舉情形應當進行司法審查。

(三)“essentialsecurity interests”含義

《國際貿易組織憲章草案》提交倫敦籌委會討論時,美國談判代表Mr. J.M. LEDDY對“基本國家安全利益”進行了說明:


Wegave a good deal of thought to the question of the security exceptionwhich we thought should be included in the Charter. We recognized thatthere was a great danger of having too wide an exception and we could notput it into the Charter, simply by saying: "by any Member of measuresrelating to a Member's security interests," because that wouldpermit anything under the sun. Therefore we thought it well to draftprovisions which would take care of really essential security interestsand, at the same time, so far as we could, to limit the exceptions and toadopt that protection for maintaining industries under every conceivablecircumstance.

With regard to sub-paragraph (e), the limitation, I think, isprimarily in the time: first, "in time of war." I thin k no one wouldquestion the need of a Member, or the right of a Member, to take actionrelating to its security interests and to determine for itself - which I thinkwe cannot deny - what its security interests are.As to the second provision,"or other emergency in international relations,"

I think there must be some latitude here for security measures. Itis really a question of a balance. We have got to have some exceptions. Wecannot make it too tight, because we cannot prohibit measures which are neededpurely for security reasons. On the other hand, we cannot make it so broadthat, under the guise of security, countries will put on measures which reallyhave a commercial purpose.[11]










若對(b)款採用文義解釋的方法進行解讀,無法確認“it considers”、“necessary”和“essential securityinterests”這三者的關係。“it considers”的內容是什麼,是僅僅對“necessary”的判斷,還是可以定義“essential securityinterests”?自WTO成立以來,專家組和上訴機構並未對“基本國家安全利益”進行定義。GATT1994第21條的起草歷程或許幫助理解“essential security interests”的含義。











Article 37

General exceptions tochapter V

Subject to therequirement that such measures are not applied in a manner which wouldconstitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination betweencountries where the same conditions prevail, or a disguised restriction oninternational trade, nothing in Chapter V shall be construed to prevent theadoption or enforcement by any Member of measures:


(c) Relating tofissionable materials;

(d) Relating to thetraffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in othergoods and materials as is carried on for the purpose of supplying a militaryestablishment;

(e) In time of war orother emergency in international relations, relating to the protection of theessential security interestsof aMember;


(k) Undertaken inpursuance of obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenanceof international peace and security.








Article 94

General Exceptions.

Nothing in thisCharter shall be construed to require any Member to furnish any information thedisclosure of which it considers contrary to its essential security interests,or to prevent any Member from taking any action whichit may considerto be necessary tosuch interests:

a) Relating tofissionable materials or their source materials;

b) Relating to thetraffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in othergoods and materials as is carried on for the purpose of supplying a militaryestablishment;

c) In time of war orother emergency in international relations, relating to the protection of itsessential security interests;

d) Undertaken inpursuance of obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenanceof international peace and security.











Article XIX

General Exceptions

1. Nothing in thisAgreement shall be construed

(a) to require anycontracting party to furnish any information the disclosure of whichit considerscontrary to itsessential security interests, or

(b) to prevent anycontracting party from taking any action which it considers necessary for theprotection of its essential security interests.

(i) relating to fissionable materialsor the materials from which they are derived;

(ii) relating to the traffic inarms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods andmaterials as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplyinga military establishment;

(iii) taken in time of war orother emergency in international relations; or

(c) to prevent anycontracting party from taking any action in pursuance of its obligations underthe United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace andsecurity.

(二)“it considers”含義

“it considers”在國際範圍內,被描述為自決權,也即成員國在援引例外時自行判斷實際情況是否滿足安全例外的適用條件。正如1947年日內瓦草案的總結報告所述,“在安全例外下,成員國為保護其安全利益,可以實施其認為必要的與原子材料、軍火貿易、戰時或其他國際緊急狀態有關的任何行動”。

“Under the security exception, Members may ... do whatever theythink necessary to protect their security interests relating to atomicmaterials, arms traffic, and wartime or …other international emergencies.”

成員國行使自決權的範圍存在爭議。學者Roger P.Alford歸納出目前對自決權範圍的幾種不同理解。[9]從文義解釋、歷史解釋的角度出發,可以解讀為締約國可以自行決定一項對保護其基本國家安全利益至關重要的措施且與b項列舉的事項之一相關。如Raj Bhala所述[10],“其”這個詞表明WTO的成員國、WTO專家組或其他審判主體,都無權決定所採取的措施是否符合要求;從系統解釋的角度出發,可以理解為締約國有權自行決定是否援引安全例外,但受善意原則的限制;有些解釋方法更近一步,認為安全例外既有主觀層面又有客觀層面,可以解釋為締約國有權決定是否有必要為保護其基本安全利益而採取某一保護措施,但這一措施是否屬於列舉情形應當進行司法審查。

(三)“essentialsecurity interests”含義

《國際貿易組織憲章草案》提交倫敦籌委會討論時,美國談判代表Mr. J.M. LEDDY對“基本國家安全利益”進行了說明:


Wegave a good deal of thought to the question of the security exceptionwhich we thought should be included in the Charter. We recognized thatthere was a great danger of having too wide an exception and we could notput it into the Charter, simply by saying: "by any Member of measuresrelating to a Member's security interests," because that wouldpermit anything under the sun. Therefore we thought it well to draftprovisions which would take care of really essential security interestsand, at the same time, so far as we could, to limit the exceptions and toadopt that protection for maintaining industries under every conceivablecircumstance.

With regard to sub-paragraph (e), the limitation, I think, isprimarily in the time: first, "in time of war." I thin k no one wouldquestion the need of a Member, or the right of a Member, to take actionrelating to its security interests and to determine for itself - which I thinkwe cannot deny - what its security interests are.As to the second provision,"or other emergency in international relations,"

I think there must be some latitude here for security measures. Itis really a question of a balance. We have got to have some exceptions. Wecannot make it too tight, because we cannot prohibit measures which are neededpurely for security reasons. On the other hand, we cannot make it so broadthat, under the guise of security, countries will put on measures which reallyhave a commercial purpose.[11]








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