

MSCI董事長兼首席執行官亨利•費爾南德茲認為, 在納入MSCI指數後, 中國A股市場將會迎來新一波的投資者, 其中包括大量的主動投資者;市場機構將會逐漸改變, 變成由機構主導;同樣, A股正在開放的進程之中, 投資者需要馬上開始理解A股市場中的企業。






A股納入MSCI系列指數, 不只是關於被動配置資金, 事實上, 跟蹤 MSCI新興市場指數的資金除了20%為被動配置的, 還有80%為主動配置的。 因而主動配置資金占大頭。 也因此, 當前權重下的納入決定所傳達的資訊,


I think the inclusion of the issues into the global family of indices, is not only about passive investing, if anything about 80 percent of the money that is following MSCI in emerging markets is actively managed, and about 20% is passively managed, so the vast majority of the assets that are following the MSCI Emerging market indices are our active managers. So therefore under that weight in our message is even more important for the active managers.

中國正在開放金融市場, 企業股票數很大, 蘊藏巨大的投資空間。 中國市場和其他市場的關聯度不是非常高, 因此對於很多投資者來說, 中國市場有各種各樣的好處。 而且它正在開放, 不是在未來, 而是現在, 就在這周, 所以你得馬上開始理解A股市場的企業。 未來我們相信, 伴隨中國金融市場改革加速, 更多A股納入MSCI指數的進程也會隨之加速。

You know China's opening up, China has a large number of companies, has incredible opportunities for investments, it's a market that is not highly correlated with the other markets, so for a lot of investors, he has significant diversification benefits, and it is here now, it's not in the future, it is here, it's happening this week, you know in terms of the inclusion, and therefore you have to get going immediately to understand the market, invest in the market, you know because this process of further integration will typically accelerate, as long as the reform program accelerates, which we believe it will.

對中國來說, 中國股市將處於放大鏡之下, 它將不再只被中國散戶 投資者關注, 而是會被中外的散戶和機構投資者共同關注。 市場結構會改變, 變得更機構投資者主導, 當然這還需要一些時間。

And for Chinese is, you will be in the magnifying glass now, is no longer, retail investors in China, you know man being in the market, the market is going to be shared now between retail investors, institutional investors in China, and institutional investors and retail investors from outside of China. so the market structure eventually will change, will become more institutionalized, it will take a while, but it will become more institutionalized.

對於中國企業, 我們的建議是,

中國A股企業將迎來一波新的投資者, 而他們有著不同的要求, 不同的投資標準, 有些投資者的標準甚至會非常嚴苛。 作為企業, 你需要應對這些變化, 要傾聽、瞭解投資者的需求, 調整和改變企業的管理模式, 來吸引更多的資本。 對企業來說, 會得到更多資金;對股東來說, 股價會更高, 對顧客來說, 你能夠開展更大規模的投資, 為他們提供更多機遇。

For companies my message is, in China the Asian companies is, you will now have another set of investors that are gonna have different requirements, they're gonna have different standards, some of them are gonna be stringent standards, you know you gonna get ahead of that, you gonna listen to them, you gonna understand them, and adapt, and change a lot of what you do in the management of your company, in order to attract that additional capital, that is common, that is going to be a benefit for you, more capital, for your shareholder.

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