
廣州文華東方酒店║Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou

「」由於慶生, 我的合夥人(夫人)精心安排了季先生設計的華南地區唯一一間奢華五星級酒店, 這也一直是我想去體驗的酒店, 只是日程比我預想中提前了。

To celebrate my birthday, my partner doubles as my wife chose the only luxury 5 star hotel designed by Tony Chi in the south China region. This was the hotel I always longing to experience, and the journey was ahead of my planning time.

「」文華東方酒店集團成立於1963年, 其首家酒店位於香港島的“文華酒店”。 于1974年收購了泰國曼谷的“東方酒店”後, 於1985年更名為“文華東方酒店集團”。 ║雖然帶有一個優雅的中文名, 但其實是一個純正的英國酒店品牌。 ║

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Company was establish in 1963, their first hotel was the Mandarin Hotel in Hong Kong. In 1974, the company took over the Bangkok Oriental Hotel and change it’s name to Mandarin Oriental Hotel in 1985.║Although it has an elegant Chinese name, but it’s a pure British brand.║

「」║文華東方酒店總給人一種神秘的色彩, 正如它的名字那樣, 神秘的東方味。 它不像四季酒店、W酒店那麼高調張揚, 也不像香格里拉酒店、萬豪酒店那麼聲名大噪,

但它是一家確確實實的奢華五星級酒店, 五星級酒店中的最高級別。 ║

║Mandarin Oriental Hotel just like it’s name, always give us a mysterious feeling. Mandarin Oriental Hotel not as high-profile as the Four Season Hotel and the W Hotel, not as famous as the Shangri-La Hotel and the Marriott Hotel, but it’s a luxury 5 star hotel, the highest level in 5 star hotel.║

「」廣州文華東方酒店位於天河區天河路383號, 於2013年開業, 由英國的太古集團控股的香港著名太古地產商拿地興建, 作為老天河商圈最後一塊商業性地塊拼圖。 集酒店、500強企業總部、高端商場、世界頂端品牌LV、GUCCI、香奈兒等入駐, 更加引起大家的期待。

Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou is in 383th Tianhe road , Tianhe District. It was invested by Swire Group and opened in 2013. Taikoo Hui is the last commercial land in the old Tianhe business district. It combines the hotel, high-end shopping, company headquarters.

「」縱觀太古旗下持有的由義大利著名設計師皮埃爾·裡梭尼(Piero Lissoni)主持的上海鏞舍精品酒店, 英國著名設計師事務所Make Architects主持的成都博舍精品酒店, 傅厚民先生主持的香港奕居精品酒店, 日本知名建築師隈研吾主持的北京瑜舍精品酒店, 香港建築及室內設計事務所思聯(CL3 Architects Ltd)設計的香港東隅精品酒店,


Looking around the hotel belong to the Swire Group, the Middle House Hotel in Shanghai was designed by Italy famous designer Piero Lissoni , while the Temple House Hotel in Chengdu was designed by America famous design office Make Architects. The Upper House Hotel in Hong Kong was designed by Andre Fu, and the Opposite House Hotel in Beijing was designed by Japan designer Kengo Kuma. The East Hong Kong Hotel was designed by Hong Kong CL3 Architects Ltd. The Mandarin Oriental Hotel Guangzhou was designed by Tony Chi. All these hotel were the internet celebrity.

「」出生於臺灣, 自幼紐約長大的華裔設計師季裕棠(Tony Chi)先生是世界級的室內設計泰斗。 憑藉西有雅布(Yabu Pushel), 北有季裕棠的稱號, 再加上一城只設計一座酒店, 更看出季先生對專案挑選的要求度和對把握專案嚴謹態度。 ║太古地產也迎來機緣巧合的情況下, 攜手了季先生打造廣州的史無前例, 又不會再有後續的唯一一個酒店設計作品。 ║

Tony Chi was born in Taiwan and grew up in New York. He is one of the most famous interior designer in the world, and his reputation can compare with the Yabu Pushel. Mr. Chi once said that he only do one design in the same city.║So the Mandarin Oriental Hotel would be his first and last work in Guangzhou.║

「」酒店大堂隱秘在商場的另一側, 大門非常低調, 門前沒有精緻的水法, 沒有霸氣的門面。 整齊的綠蘺下, 門童禮貌地向位每一位進來客人示意問好。 一進門, 近8米高的“精神”之樹藝術品讓人眼前一亮, “精神”之樹的作者史金淞, 以黃山的迎客松為原型,

用再生木材進行藝術創作。 ║松樹造型的藝術品貼合著門廳中式而又現代的裝修風格。 門廳兩旁都有通高的木門分隔空間, 瞬間浮現出嶺南的趟櫳門印象。 地上鋪設了黑胡桃木色的木地板, 柱子用深色黃銅和米白色木板裝飾, 柱墩及包邊是深色黃銅, 柱體是米白色木板。 ║

The lobby of the hotel is in the other side of the Taikoo Hui and the entrance is very low profile, no fountain in front of it. Under the neat plant, the doorman politely greeted to the gust. When entering the door, I was shocked by the artwork named “Jingsheng”. The artwork was created by Shi Jingsong based on the Pine Greeting Guests on Mount Huangshan.║The pine accord with the modern Chinese style. Beside the hall, the full height wooden door separated the room, and these wooden door just reminded me of the Tanglong Door in Lingnan region. The black walnut laid the floor and the columns were decorated with black brass on the piers and edge and covered by beige board.║

「」酒店的首層是一個回字形的格局, 回形兩邊串連起前臺、禮儀廳、大堂吧、等候廳等, 正面和背面分別是酒店入口和宴會廳大堂, 兩邊是前臺、禮賓部和大堂吧, 中間是電梯廳連接。 ║前臺、禮賓部和大堂吧的風格延續了前廳的中式現代風, 暖黃的燈光, 胡桃木色、黑色、白色的運用以及黃銅裝飾品的搭配, 使得大堂既富有傳統中式韻味又不乏現代簡潔之美。

║大堂的唯一不足是燈光顯得過於昏暗。 來到背面的多功能廳大堂, 空間的氛圍瞬間轉換, 地板對比強烈的黑白水波紋、空間內白色規則的柱狀體塊、天花上的華麗現代的水晶吊燈, 猶如瞬間進入了另一個維度。 牆角上擺放的韓國藝術家金炳真創作的包銅“蜜瓜”雕塑呼應著大堂中的銅質壁燈。

The lobby was in a “Hui” shape pattern, two sides of it is the reception and the lobby bar and waiting room. The back side and the front side is the banquet lobby and the hotel lobby, in the middle of it is the elevator hall.║The reception and the lobby bar continue the modern Chinese style. The warm yellow light and the walnut, black color, withe color and the brass decorations light up the traditional charm and no lack of the concise modern feeling.║The only defect of the lobby was the insufficient of light. When turn to the banquet lobby, the style change instantaneously, the black and withe wave pattern decorated the floor. The modern crystal chandelier and the white rectangle block make the lobby totally different feeling. On the corner, a brass artwork named “melon” created by Korean artist Kim Byungjin.

「」乘電梯上至客房, 電梯廳與走廊都採用黑白配色, 簡潔又不失高雅。 打開房門, 一條走廊通向睡房, 走廊上擺放的方形落地燈仿佛是私宅大院旁的路燈。 進門的左手邊有一個隱櫥, 客人將需要清潔的衣物放在裡面, 服務員便可從走廊外上鎖的小櫃門取走衣物而不需打擾到客人。 這種隱櫥的設計多見於英國的酒店,

香港半島酒店也有。 ║房間功能上幹濕分區劃分明顯, 睡房與濕區之間還有一扇通頂的趟門分隔。 走廊的右手邊是衣帽間和衛生間, 左邊是沐浴間。 濕區以黑胡桃木為主色調, 風格復古沉穩而又不乏現代。 ║

Taking the elevator to upstairs, the elevator hall and the corridor were both in black and withe, very concise and grace. Opening the room door, a corridor led to the bedroom. On the corridor, a floor lamp stood there, like the street light beside the big house. On the left of the door was a closet that can be opened on the corridor by the waiter. Guests can put the close need to be cleaned in it and the waiter can take it on the corridor without disturbing the guests. These kind of closet design were popular in Br itish hotel and the Peninsula Hong Kong had the same deign.║The room was clearly divide into wet zoom and the dry zoom. Between two zoom was a sliding door. On the right of the corridor was the cloakroom and the toilet, while on the left was the bathroom. The wet zoom was in dark color and the retro style.║

「」睡房區域採用了明亮的淺灰和米黃為主色調, 搭配深色的傢俱。 淺色的牆身上多處用黑色高端木材收邊, 中式的柔和氛圍又透露出現代的味道。 房間窗前有根柱子, 但設計師巧妙地運用柱子作為一個隔斷, 開闢出一處安靜的窗前休憩空間。 落地窗外是天河的城景, 景色不算動人。 房間的窗紗是向下收起的, 1.2米以下的部分一直有窗紗遮擋。 這樣特別的設計還是第一次遇到, 因此就算客人打開窗紗欣賞景色也能保護到隱私。 牆邊復古的木櫃裡隱藏著一個小小的酒吧,裡面的酒品琳琅滿目。電視前的圓桌上放著新鮮的免費水果,蘋果上還印著文華東方的扇子標誌。晚上房間會有夜床服務,夜晚外出回來發現服務員已經貼心地把窗簾拉上,床邊放好拖鞋。不得不說,拖鞋是我穿過最舒服的。║無論空間的整體搭配或是房間內的觸摸用具,都能幻想出很多空間上的豐富度及使用方式的可能性。文華東方最吸引人之處大概就是他的極致無形的貼心和講究,讓客人的每次入住都有回家的溫暖。║

The bedroom used the light gray and beige as the main color decorated with dark color furniture. The light color on the wall mix with black wooden edge, it blend the Chinese style and the modern fleeing. In front of the French windows there was a column, the designer used the column as a partition and created a leisure space. Outside the French window was the scenery of Tianhe district. The curtain was folded up in downward, beneath 1.2 meter was all covered by the curtain. I hadn’t met this kind of design before. Guests can enjoyed the view with the curtain open and can also keep their privacy in the same time. The wooden cabinet beside the wall hid a small bar in it with different kind of wine. On the round table in front of the TV displayed the free fruit. The logo of Mandarin Oriental was printed on the apple. Hotel had the night bed serve, when we back from outside, we found that the waiter had close up the curtain and put the slipper beside the bed. I have to say that the slipper was the most comfortable one I had ever wore.║The combination and the furniture of the room abundant the room and created many possibility. The most attractive part of the Mandarin Oriental was the extremely elaboration and the intangible Intimate serve, which made guests feel warm.║


The swimming pool and the gym room was on the 4thfloor. Swimming pool was open from 6am to 10pm. Although the pool was outdoor constant-temperature, but still too cold to swim during winter. The gym room open 24 hours a day and enter by room card.


This trip fulfilled my dream about the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and appreciated the work of Tony Chi. Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou was beside the Taikoo Hui and in the opposite side of the Onelink Walk Shopping mall. Walking to the Grandview Mall, Parc Central and the Tee Mall took about 10 minutes. Shipaiqiao metro station of the line 3 was just under the hotel. The only shortcoming of the hotel was the view outside the window. We reserve the deluxe room on the net, the fee uncover the breakfast was 1604 yuan. The price of Mandarin Oriental Hotel always stay in stable, even during the off-season, it won’t has much discount.

居住體驗「Living experience」:★★★★★



性價比「Cost performance」:★★★★★


The bedroom used the light gray and beige as the main color decorated with dark color furniture. The light color on the wall mix with black wooden edge, it blend the Chinese style and the modern fleeing. In front of the French windows there was a column, the designer used the column as a partition and created a leisure space. Outside the French window was the scenery of Tianhe district. The curtain was folded up in downward, beneath 1.2 meter was all covered by the curtain. I hadn’t met this kind of design before. Guests can enjoyed the view with the curtain open and can also keep their privacy in the same time. The wooden cabinet beside the wall hid a small bar in it with different kind of wine. On the round table in front of the TV displayed the free fruit. The logo of Mandarin Oriental was printed on the apple. Hotel had the night bed serve, when we back from outside, we found that the waiter had close up the curtain and put the slipper beside the bed. I have to say that the slipper was the most comfortable one I had ever wore.║The combination and the furniture of the room abundant the room and created many possibility. The most attractive part of the Mandarin Oriental was the extremely elaboration and the intangible Intimate serve, which made guests feel warm.║


The swimming pool and the gym room was on the 4thfloor. Swimming pool was open from 6am to 10pm. Although the pool was outdoor constant-temperature, but still too cold to swim during winter. The gym room open 24 hours a day and enter by room card.


This trip fulfilled my dream about the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and appreciated the work of Tony Chi. Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou was beside the Taikoo Hui and in the opposite side of the Onelink Walk Shopping mall. Walking to the Grandview Mall, Parc Central and the Tee Mall took about 10 minutes. Shipaiqiao metro station of the line 3 was just under the hotel. The only shortcoming of the hotel was the view outside the window. We reserve the deluxe room on the net, the fee uncover the breakfast was 1604 yuan. The price of Mandarin Oriental Hotel always stay in stable, even during the off-season, it won’t has much discount.

居住體驗「Living experience」:★★★★★



性價比「Cost performance」:★★★★★

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