
0035 法国4-2克罗地亚!推荐一个足球记者Henry Winter


0. 本文適合大學生及以上閱讀, 尤其是大學新生。

本來我預計寫如何看懂一個足球比賽的統計表, 因為有很多球迷朋友已經對騰訊等門戶網站的“不怕事兒大”, “標題設問”的報道風格嚴重不滿。 可是我當時預告的時候預計寫克羅地亞對陣英格蘭, 結果忙到現在, 世界杯決賽都踢完了。 索性換個主題吧。

昨天晚上我買了50塊錢4:0, 克羅地亞勝……為我國的體彩/體育事業做貢獻, 我覺得很光榮。



向大家推薦這個足球記者:Henry Winter

以及他在《泰晤士報》上的專欄的其他文章。 當真是文筆流暢,

邏輯清晰, 修辭得當, 還懂足球。

以下節選于北京時間今晨他發的文章, 提供高中單詞難度以上單詞的參考詞匯表

Kylian Mbappe and Paul Pogba Engsure France are Worthy World Cup Winners


What a weekend for the French, with Bastille Day followed by the storming of the Croatian defence. France were not at their fluid best, but Kylian Mbappé, Antoine Griezmann and Paul Pogba ensured an epic final to climax the greatest World Cup since 1982.

At the end, as the heavens opened, Mbappé grasped the World Cup with his left hand, pointed to it with his right, and then very gently planted a kiss on the top. He has been so vital to the French triumph, to the tour de force around Russia, deserving of this wild, immense celebration.

Mbappé and the other French players grabbed Didier Deschamps and gave him the bumps, as Lucas Hernández ran around the edge, laughing and spraying water at the coach. Deschamps was eventually released and he stood there, smiling at his players, his mind surely going back to when he lifted the trophy 20 years ago. He embraced history, too, yesterday, joining Mário Zagallo and Franz Beckenbauer as the only men to win the World Cup as players and coaches.


storm (v.)to suddenlyattackandentera place using a lot of force(參考storm)

(高中接觸過名詞含義, 高階學習中擴展為動詞含義)

epic (a.) 1.an epic book, poem, or film tells a long story about brave actions and exciting events2.an epic eventcontinuesfor a long time andinvolvesbrave or exciting actions

(史詩, 高中沒學過)

climax (v.)if a situation, process, or story climaxes, it reaches its most important or exciting part (參考max)

(ax,ex, ox為拉丁語的最高級, 高中接觸到的只有max和approximately, 因為詞匯量小, 就死記硬背了, 高階英語學習中可以用最高級邏輯將他們歸類)

plant (a kiss) (v.)to put something firmly in or on something else

(高中英語學習只用到了具體意, 沒有用比喻義)

triumph (n.)an important victory or success after a difficult struggle

(高中沒學過, 這個詞是美國現任總統的姓氏Trump的同源詞, 非要把特朗普的姓氏翻譯成一個字的話, 大概應該是“班”“勝”“破”, 而不是“乞”, 和下面提到單詞trophy三者互為同源詞)

tour de force(n.) [written]something that is done very skilfully and successfully, and is veryimpressive


用來描述奪冠的法國隊, 再沒毛病不過了。

give s.b. the bumps 將某人高高拋起

(高中教材中有bump“輕微撞上”這個詞, 并不在課標詞匯表中, 也沒有提及這個意思)

trophy (n.)a largeobjectsuch as asilvercuporplatethat someonereceivesas aprizeforwinningacompetition

embrace(v.) [written] hug

(高中只學過hug, 并沒有書面語版本的embrace)



暑假這段, 依然不定期更新, 敬請諒解。

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