

貝萊德集團主席兼首席執行官勞倫斯·芬克時隔三年再次接受專訪, 回顧個人成長經歷和事業歷程:自己年輕時就很有雄心, 無法原諒自己曾因缺乏風險意識而犯下錯誤, 現在會通過定期自我審視讓自己保持清醒;現代社會技術發展使人們不再關注長期目標, 建議人們持續學習, 同變化的世界步伐一致;風險管理應是組織文化的一部分, 企業“一夜暴富式”成功無法複製。






嘉賓:貝萊德集團主席兼首席執行官 勞倫斯·芬克(Laurence D. Fink)


在今年迎來了其成立的第30年。 這家在金融圈內舉足輕重、對外卻表現低調的公司, 目前管理資產總規模達到驚人的6.3萬億美元, 擁有員工1.4萬人, 業務遍及100多個國家, 在全球71個城市設有分支機搆。

出身美國普通中產家庭的勞倫斯·芬克有著頗為勵志的經歷——曾就讀于加州大學洛杉磯分校, 畢業後即加入第一波士頓投資銀行, 28歲成為該行歷史上最年輕合夥人;1986年因一樁高風險交易造成巨額虧損, 被公司解雇, 一度陷入事業低谷。 隨後, 意識到風險管理重要性的芬克在1988年創辦了一家專注於風險管理的投資管理公司, 即日後的貝萊德集團。

時隔三年後, 貝萊德的創始人、有著“華爾街教父”之稱的勞倫斯·芬克,




2016年, 在加州大學洛杉磯分校進行畢業演講時, 你提到人們在大多數時候只是在機械地完成工作。 在我看來, 很多人的生活狀態是隨波逐流。 你覺得他們應該怎麼脫離固化的思維, 制定更長遠的目標?

I think part of the challenge lies here, 2016, when doing a commencement speech in UCLA, you said too often people are just doing the job. I think individuals are mild or swamped by all the things happening, living conditions inside that. How can they actually step out and thinking about this big purpose?


是的, 我們陷入日復一日的艱辛工作。 但是如果你不明白你到底做了些什麼, 那這就只是一份工作, 你感覺不到和它之間有互動。 對每個人來說, 清楚他們在公司的角色、知道他們對公司有哪些貢獻是非常重要的。 在貝萊德, 我們花了很多時間使員工瞭解公司的目標, 從各種平凡崗位到高級職務, 所有人都知道自己的工作是什麼。

Yes, we all are trapped with the rigors of the day-to-day job, but if you don't pause, and understand what you're doing in that job, then it's only gonna be a job, and then you don't feel connected with the job, it's very important for everyone to think about what is their role within a company, and what are they contributing to the company. we spend a great deal of time at Black Rock trying to making sure people understand Black Rock’s purpose, and we believe our employees understand, and all the different mundane jobs to the most luxurious job, they understand what their job is all about.


在加州大學洛杉磯分校的畢業典禮上我曾說, 如果你停止做一個學生, 就會落後於他人;如果你不再學習, 不再同這個變化的世界步伐一致, 如果你不再清楚你工作的內容是什麼, 為什麼做這份工作, 這份工作對未來意味著什麼, 你就失去了和世界的互動。

The other thing I try to tell everybody, I said this is at the UCLA commencement, if you stop being a student, you will fall behind. if you are not learning and staying abreast with the changes in the world, if you're not understanding the context of what your job is all about, and why you're doing this job today, and what does it mean for tomorrow, you're gonna lose that connectivity.

據我所知, 大部分事業成功的人每天都在學習, 我也過著這樣一種生活, 每一天都在挑戰我自己, 要瞭解世界上發生了什麼, 金融市場發生了什麼, 社會上發生了什麼, 然後去適應這些變化。 因為如果你不跟上這個社會的變化, 你就會落後。

So for the most successful careers that I know of, the men and women who are very successful are ones who are students every day, and I believe I live that life that every day I'm trying to challenge myself, what is happening in the world, what is going on in the financial markets, what's going on in society, and try to adapt, because if you not moving with society, change with society, you're gonna be left behind.


在今年的致股東信中, 你提到投資要具有長遠眼光。

The letter which generated a lot of attention early this year, You are talking about business having purpose.


投資目標是我信中談到的一部分, 今年已經是我發表致股東信的第六年了,

每年的信都有一個共同主題, 即投資要具有長期眼光。 在我看來, 這個社會已經失去了長期發展的目標。 電子郵件、互聯網和遊戲的普及, 讓我們已經不再關注人生的目標、企業的目標是什麼。 這時我們需要回頭看看, 對企業來說, 它需要保持長期的可持續收入, 這不僅僅關乎(短期)利潤, 利潤來源於企業本身的地位, 而那些最優秀的公司不僅僅擁有可持續產品, 並通過它獲得可持續收入, 還具有一個足以連結所有員工的強大目標。 如果企業的員工因為一個共同的目標而團結一起, 就能夠同客戶建立更加緊密的聯繫, 使客戶也認同並相信這家企業的目標。 那麼我相信, 這些客戶會更願意與這家企業做生意。

The paragraph about purpose is just one component of my letter that I sent out, and this is the sixth year I sent out a letter. some common themes about all the letters is about long termism, I think society has lost sight of long-termism, I think the utilization of emails and the internet and gaming, we have lost focus on whatever are the objectives of life, what are the objectives of company, and we need to step back, and for corporations, to have sustainable earnings over a long period of time. it's not just about profits, profits occur because of the position of a company, and the best companies, the great companies, are companies that not only have a sustainable product, and through the sustainability of the product of sustainable earnings, but great companies also have a strong purpose, a strong purpose is what connects employees, and if you have employees that are connected to the organization's purpose, the unifying of all the employees will create much greater connectivity with clients, they have clients agree and believe in the company's purpose. we believe the clients will then do more business with that company.


風險管理應該是組織文化的一部分。 問題是很多企業缺乏這種文化, 很多人希望一夜暴富, 但這是不可持續的, 你也許能獲得一次成功, 但之後又會遭受多少次失敗?世界上最成功的那些商業領袖都經歷過很多次的失敗, 但是他們從這些失敗中吸取教訓, 獲得成長。

It's really culture, risk management has to be part of the culture of organization, I think the problem you see is the lack of culture, many organizations many people want to get rich quick, that's not sustainable, that's not sustainable, you may have one good success, but how many failures are you gonna have? The most successful business leaders in the world have had failures in their career, maybe multiple failures, but they build from those failures, they grow from those failures.

對貝萊德來說, 最重要的一件事就是我們將風險管理作為企業文化的一部分, 我們每天都在公開談論這一點, 即我們的工作是為客戶提供風險調整後回報。 我們在全球有一個風險分析的技術平臺。 像我說的, 一些企業對賺快錢更感興趣, 但這不是可持續的經營模式。 據我所知, 沒有哪家一夜暴富的企業能夠複製這樣的成功。 這類似於職業體育,總有一個人在某項賽事中表現出色,而真正的體育明星是那些年復一年保持高競技水準的人。風險管理也是一樣的。你需要創造一種文化,讓人們每天、每週、每月、每年、年復一年關注風險管理。這也是偉大的企業和好企業之間的區別所在。我不是說偉大的企業不會犯錯,但他們是在瞭解風險的基礎上做出了錯誤的決定。問題是,我們看到有太多犯錯的人,他們沒有意識到自己的錯誤,這是很可怕的。但是,如果你是在瞭解風險的前提下犯了錯誤,比如市場的做法是X,而我想做Y,我願意承擔這一風險,結果證明我是錯的,那這是可以的,因為身處市場就會犯錯,關鍵是你是否在能夠承受的風險範圍內犯錯誤。

Probably the most important thing at Blackrock is risk management is a component of our culture, we talk about it openly, we talk about it every day, that our job is to be providing a risk-adjusted return for our clients, we have one technology platform globally worldwide, and we embrace this one technology platform. So that our risk is connected and understood worldwide. As I said, some companies are more interested in getting rich quickly, that's not a sustainable model. I don't know anybody who's gotten rich quickly, who has been able to do it repeatedly, it's like it professional sports, and sports there's always that one individual who does it very well for one event, the superstars in sports are the ones who are able to be perform at that very high level year after year after year, and I look at risk management in the same way. You need to create a culture in which people embody risk management, and that becomes sustainable every day, every week, every month, every year, and then year after year. and that is the difference between I would say great firms and good firms. I'm not trying to suggest that great firms don't make mistakes, sometimes they do, but they do it with a knowledge of the risk, and they may have made the wrong decision. so the problem we see too often, are people making mistakes, and they're not aware of those mistakes, that's what's frightening, but if you make a mistake but you had the risk understanding, and I expect the market to do X and it did Y, I was willing to take the risk and I was wrong, that's okay, I mean when you're in the markets, you're going to make mistakes, but the key is, are you making mistakes under the parameters of the risks that you thought to take?


Probably the most important thing at Blackrock is risk management is a component of our culture, we talk about it openly, we talk about it every day, that our job is to be providing a risk-adjusted return for our clients, we have one technology platform globally worldwide, and we embrace this one technology platform. So that our risk is connected and understood worldwide. As I said, some companies are more interested in getting rich quickly, that's not a sustainable model. I don't know anybody who's gotten rich quickly, who has been able to do it repeatedly, it's like it professional sports, and sports there's always that one individual who does it very well for one event, the superstars in sports are the ones who are able to be perform at that very high level year after year after year, and I look at risk management in the same way. You need to create a culture in which people embody risk management, and that becomes sustainable every day, every week, every month, every year, and then year after year. and that is the difference between I would say great firms and good firms. I'm not trying to suggest that great firms don't make mistakes, sometimes they do, but they do it with a knowledge of the risk, and they may have made the wrong decision. so the problem we see too often, are people making mistakes, and they're not aware of those mistakes, that's what's frightening, but if you make a mistake but you had the risk understanding, and I expect the market to do X and it did Y, I was willing to take the risk and I was wrong, that's okay, I mean when you're in the markets, you're going to make mistakes, but the key is, are you making mistakes under the parameters of the risks that you thought to take?

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