


Y-TEC Technologic Center / Antonini Schön Zemborain Arquitectos


該項目是Y-TEC YPF Tecnológica公司的總部大樓, 主要用於技術實驗研究, 該公司的主要業務是對於原油和天然氣的研究、開發、生產以及銷售。

Text description provided by the architects.THE IDEA

The projected idea is the consequence of considering the institutional character of the laboratory building, Headquarters of Y-TEC YPF Tecnológica, whose objectives are the research, development, production and commercialization of technologies for oil and gas.

為了讓這座建築能夠成為包含創新和現代性的技術驅動發展里程碑式的綜合實體, 建築的設計結合了周邊基礎設施的景觀環境, 建築師為場地構思了一條通向主幹道的軸線路徑。 該專案包含有充分的功能需求評估, 其中包含有位於不同方位的實驗室, 例如材料、分析、環境等實驗區域, 這些區域位於辦公空間旁側。 有著與含實驗性工廠(Pilot Plants)的場地相類似的標準,


To this end the building has an entity for its criteria of innovation and modernity that constitute it in a "milestone" of the Technological Pole has requested the research, and therefore the stake in the dominant landscape of the facilities corresponding to the Refinery Of La Plata, that have as an access and axis to the Avenue of the Petroleum. With the consequent expressive conditions the project includes an adequate evaluation of the functional needs where the laboratories of Downstream and Upstream with the transversal Laboratories of Materials, Analytical and Environment, next to the office areas. With a criterion similar to the location of Pilot Plants with their peculiarities, their volume, security, internal accessibility and from the outside.


項目的主要體量是一個同心圓, 這種形式與周邊的花園區域相呼應, 使自然採光能夠充分接觸到各個區域, 為由內而外的每個空間都帶來了自然景觀, 再加上獨特的建築外立面設計, 人們的關注點不僅僅只停留於建築的功能, 還包括空間的延續性。 建築共分為兩層, 中央設置有內部圓環形庭院, 這是作為建築的實驗和辦公這兩個主要功能區域在空間和自然採光方面上的連接。 該項目的一個顯著特點是在這樣一個相對自由與靈活的環境中, 能夠抓准自身的定位並突出自身的特點。


It is an annular volume generated by the concentric levels that enclose a garden area, which allows the development of an extension of the natural illumination, towards the views of this interior-exterior space and in which the conditions of nature are rescued It surrounds the building, plus contributions of the exterior design, and in which it admits the transit between sectors or the ludic permanence. The two annular levels, which make up the inner park, from the outer perimeter successively of the areas separated by a also concentric circulation, which attends both levels, and which incorporate the connection, space and natural light to the two Sectors, laboratories and offices, areas that are functionally related. One of the salient features of this provision is the possibility of having its own places and comparisons in a spatially generous and flexible environment.


建築設置了一座人行通道, 人們可以從西北部的體量通過一個通高的半室外空間到達門廳, 這充分驗證了建築的空間性, 也直觀地展現了外觀空間和內部院落, 甚至例如實驗室、辦公室、私人空間等不同建築的主要功能, 以及包括禮堂、餐廳、圖書館等常規公共功能的連接區域。

Access to the building from the parking lot is done by a pedestrian walkway that is entered in the volume from the northwest through a semi-covered space of double height that transposes the perimeter to reach "lobby", the place from which Verifies The spatiality of the building, the almost simultaneous presence of the exterior space and the interior of the garden and the relationship that connects the different building sectors: laboratory and office areas, and personnel areas, common equipment surfaces: auditorium, dining room, library.

這裡的健身房設置有獨立的更衣室。 相比起AA、液體、氣體、電力、弱電壓等一些技術區域, 每個公共空間的設計都充分結合了功能需求。 在建築的週邊區域設置有氣體設施, 這主要供不同的功能空間所使用, 因為每個空間都有著不同的施工與通風需求。 另外, 建築師在場地上還設置了車輛迴圈通道。

And gym Their respective changing rooms. Space modules such as surfaces are designed for new restructurings in the sectors, which are compared by the writing techniques: AA, liquids, gases, electrical and weak voltages. On the outer perimeter, gas booths have been installed that feed to various sectors of the plant whose construction and ventilation conditions are special; They are accessed by a vehicular circulatory ring.


這裡設置有試點工廠(Pilot Plants)和工程車間, 其高度是為了容納特別的機械設施, 該部分的尺寸設計主要運用的是工業尺寸, 其施工和設計環境也都經過特別的規劃。

On the southwest side of the building are located in a linear and tangentially wide of the building, the Pilot Plants and engine workshops, double height locations designed to accommodate the facilities that allow the realization of pilot trials of a "scale bank" prior to Take industrial dimension. Construction and special design conditions are planned.

操控室與實驗區域相隔離, 但都位於同樣的區域之中。 車輛通過Del Petroleo大道能夠直接到達該區域, 然後駛入停車場所。

Control rooms, separate from the experimental area, are incorporated into the same. This sector is reached from the interior of the building pedestrian and by the vehicle, from the Southwest, access from Del Petroleo avenue, tangent to the parking module planned for the first stage.

建築設計:Antonini Schön Zemborain Arquitectos

地點:阿根廷, 布宜諾賽勒斯省, 拉普拉塔

主創建築師:ASZ Arquitectos Antonini- Antonini- Fervenza- Hall- Schon

項目團隊:Mike Hall, Sergio Antonini, Ariel Rojas, Nicolás Antonini, Aldana Calligo, Alejandro Puentes, Ludovica Antonini, Camila Schon, Ines de Nevares, Andrea Wajnsztok, Cecilia Lopez Magliolo

面積:12000.0 m2


攝影:Daniela Mac adden

製造商:Alucobond, EQUITONE, VASA

結構工程:Hugo Cheves (Cotto & Cheves)

衛生設備:Juan Beverati (GNBA)

電氣工程:Marcelo Rizzato (ING. EPSILON)

機械工程:Julio Blasco (Blasco Diez)

消防裝置:Juan Beverati / Fabian Noya (GNBA)

特殊氣體裝置:Claudio Rivero (SEIBO)

聲學設計:Daniel Ottobre

燈光照明:Delia Dubra

木工藝術:Etudio Angeli

景觀設計:Cora Burgin (Grupo Landscape)

可持續發展:Andres Schwarz

水利工程:Roberto Piazza

建築預算:Hugo Bersanker, Arq. Victor D′Angelo

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