

France will meet Croatia in the final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow on Sunday night, Beijing Time. The Blazers reached the final by beating England 2-1 after extra time in the last four on Wednesday, one day after Les Bleus beat Belgium 1-0.For France, it's a third final, but a first since 2006. Meanwhile, Croatia have reached the first World Cup final in their history, bettering a loss to the hosts in the last four at France '98.

Place: Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow

Date:Sunday, July 15

Time:6 p.m. Moscow time/ 11.p.m Beijing time

Prediction: France wins (France-Croatia 3:1)

France Squad

Croatia Squad


The World Cup Final will start soon tonight. I bet France will win the game because they have very few weaknesses. They may not be as exciting on attack as some other squads would like, given the wealth of talent at their disposal, but a second World Cup for this proud football nation would be an excitement enough, whereas, Croatia looked shaky in the first half of their semifinal to win England, and with three periods of extra time in their legs - the equivalent of a whole other match - the final should be a big valley for them to go across. Well, let's wait and see. Hope you will enjoy watching the final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup no matter wherever you are.


鄭新民, 1957年生, 福建省福州市人, 香港大學哲學博士(PhD),上海外國語大學教授, 博士生導師, 博士后合作導師。 擔任上海市學位委員會第五屆學科評議組成員, 兼任浦江人才計劃評委, 國家留學基金委評委, Language Teaching Research等國際學術刊物匿名評審, 同時還兼任中國英漢語比較研究會外語教師教育與發展專業委員會常務理事。 是美國紐約大學(NYU)和英國利茲大學(University of Leeds)高級訪問學者。 主要研究興趣:應用語言學、外語教育、外語教師認知和外語課堂教學多模態話語等。


Changing Pedagogy: Analyzing ELT Teachers in China( London / New York: Continuum, 2008), 全球著名應用語言學專家David Nunan為該書作序,

稱贊該書拓展、延伸和更新了外語教學理論, 尤其對外語課程論理論是一個重要的貢獻。 該書已于2018年1月被Bloomsbury出版社收入Bloomsbury Education & Childhood Studies在線平臺。


《語言教育新概念》(北京師范大學出版集團/安徽大學出版社, 2011), 《信念與追求—走近上外》(北京師范大學出版集團/安徽大學出版社, 2016), 《英語學術論文寫作之探—來自鄭新民研究團隊的報告》(北京師范大學出版集團/安徽大學出版社, 2017), 《英語博士成長札記》(北京師范大學出版集團/安徽大學出版社, 2017)。 已在SSCI和CSSCI發表學術論文50余篇。

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