






dinner was over, and the bath was finished. Fu Huan, who had eaten, rushed in. He watched what he shouldn't have seen, and it was lucky that she still had some self-control just then.

Fu Huan's gaze shifted from her body to the bed, and he said with a low laugh, "Yes, Junior, you are good."

Song Yu felt something was off, as if their married life was more like a scene from a TV show, somewhat strange but not討厭.

After dinner and a bath, Fu Huan was gone. Fu Han Yu was reading. Song Yu saw a man relaxing, lazy, one hand supporting his head, a book on his lap, occasionally turning the pages, looking at the bed occasionally under the dim light. In this environment, his features were three-dimensional, his eyebrows painting, with a certain misty mystery.

It's a beautiful picture of a handsome man.

He felt her appearance, turned his head and looked at her wet and misty eyes after taking a bath. "The hair dryer is in the drawer on the left side of the bathroom."

Song Yu was a little absent-minded, and she finally realized where the problem was.

It looked very much like the life after marriage in the TV show. A little strange, but she didn't think it was討厭.

"Shall I go get it for you?" Fu Han Yu said as he saw her not moving, putting down the book in his hand.

"No need, I can do it myself." Song Yu looked up and met his calm and profound eyes. She wanted to hit herself.

It's herself who over thought.

Fu Han Yu watched her turn and go back to the bathroom, her footsteps a bit out of rhythm. She's just not daring to make a sound.

After drying her hair, she went to him, saying, "Mr. Fu, thank you, you can go now, I want to rest."

"Two hours left." Fu Han Yu's tone was calm.

Song Yu was startled.

Fu Han Yu reminded her, "Half a day is twelve hours. Last time you only used ten hours. This guy is the most law-abiding."

Song Yu went to bed, wanting to roar at him, blow a whistle at him, and ask him if he wanted to sleep together.

But the door was knocked on.

Zhou Shu's voice, "Miss Song, your cell phone has arrived, and the person who sent the phone wants to meet you in person."

The phone was handed to Song Yu by Lin Liang, who also handed her a letter, saying, "Professor, this letter is entrusted to me by the professor."

Song Yu didn't know if she would see him again, so she opened the letter directly.

Fu Han Yu held the handle of his wheelchair and his hands tightened, and his deep eyes narrowed slightly. He saw her looking at the letter and smiling happily.

He couldn't see a word because of her body blocking all the views.

The letter spoke of him in a Q-version of his avatar, making her smile happily.

Lin Liang, "Help me tell the professor thanks, his kindness has been received."

"Good, Miss Song." Lin Liang said, looking at everyone present and nodded slightly: "Everyone, then I will take my leave."

Song Yu sent him to the door.

Su Ji, who followed him, said to Fu Han Yu, "I'll go see, is the professor an old man?"

"Boring!" Fu Han Yu sneered.

Su Ji didn't pay attention to him, ran to catch up to Lin Liang, "Lin Brother, I'll send you off."

Five minutes later, he ran back, looking meaningfully at Fu Han Yu who was still waiting in the living room, cleared his throat: "Lin Brother said, the professor, young, talented, handsome, dignified and charming."

Isn't he saying he's boring? Why is he still here waiting?

Fu Han Yu's eyes darkened, and he spoke coldly: "Who is he, and what does he have to do with me?"

Su Ji shrugged, looking at him with a look of disdain: He's just as tough on his mouth!

Fu Han Yu rolled over the wheelchair without stopping when he passed the master bedroom.

Song Yu said with a roar: "Mr. Fu, isn't it still two hours short? Where are you going?"

Fu Han Yu turned his head, his cold, deep eyes like an eternal ice pond, cold and deep, his lips curling into a smile: "Miss Song wants me to sleep with you?"

Song Yu beckoned to him with her finger: "Come on!"

"Miss Song is busy, please rest early!" Fu Han Yu said, rolling the wheelchair away.

Young, talented, dignified. Professor!

Song Yu watched his back, raised the pillow in her hand, and wanted to throw it at him. Just now, he said he had two hours left. He said he was a law-abiding person. Now, he was so pernickety.

The next day, the entire day, Song Yu did not see Fu Han Yu. She didn't think too much about it, since everyone has their own lives and work.

Her work today was to assist Fu with feng shui, adjust the feng shui, and help him refine an elixir that could suppress his lone star destiny.

Fu Laoye, who had followed her, felt that he had benefited greatly from listening to her explain feng shui. In his heart, however, he could not help but feel a great loss. He cursed his unappreciative son with a scolding of a hundred blows.

That brat got up before dawn and left. What a good opportunity to get along, and he didn't even know how to cherish it.

After Song Ze recovered from the fever and recovered, he became lively again, and he and Fu Huan became two parasites following her around.

Song Yu walked and stopped, suggesting that people move the feng shui layout of their home. When she walked to the south wall, she suddenly stopped, her eyebrows furrowed, her face serious and solemn.

She pointed to a corner of the wall and said, "Find a tool and dig here."

Fu Laoye hurried over and asked, "Yu Yu, what's wrong here?"

Song Yu said, "Dig and see."

Half an hour later, a two-meter-deep hole was dug into the ground. Finally, they found something. The thing was wrapped and sealed tight with yellow cloth, and the cloth was wrapped with talismans, giving off a strong sense of dampness and discomfort.

Fu Laoye's face instantly fell.

Song Yu walked over and examined the talismans, speaking seriously, "Professor, the reason for the disaster in the Fu family has been found."

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