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I shrug, my heart heavy. "What's the point? It's just us. Besides, I don't want to drag you into our mess."

"Us?" she echoes, her tone laced with confusion. "Don't you think we're closer than that?"

I look at her, seeing the sincerity in her eyes. "Maybe I'm just too stubborn," I admit. "I keep thinking she'll come to me when she's ready."

Pang! The pain of unspoken words stabs my heart. "Why can't you just let her go, if that's what she wants?" Pangs of loneliness and rejection seep into my bones, but I suppress the urge to bare my soul.

"Because, sometimes, I think she cares about me," I whisper.

Pity fills her eyes. "You should be careful, Mi Gao. Not everything is as it seems."

I nod, understanding her words but not ready to confront the reality they imply. "Yeah, maybe I should."

The cold air nips at our skin as we reach the bar where Nie comes from. The neon lights flicker on and off in the distance, casting a eerie glow over the streets.

"Let's go," I say, feeling a mix of anxiety and resolve.

E'erbian's bar, once vibrant, now stands empty and forlorn. Its once lively atmosphere replaced by a heavy sense of loss and anticipation.

As we approach the bar, the door creaks open, revealing a figure standing in the doorway. E'erbian's voice echoes through the empty space, a somber reminder of what once was.

"Mi Gao, you never came back," he says, the sound of his voice tinged with sadness.

"Sorry, E'erbian," I mutter, stepping inside.

The bar, now devoid of customers, carries a heavy silence that seems almost tangible. I scan the room, the stage empty, the tables cluttered with half-eaten food and drinks left behind by countless patrons.

"Here," E'erbian says, leading me to a table in the corner.

As we sit down, E'erbian glances at me and Pingsi, his eyes filled with a mix of genuine concern and a hint of curiosity.

"I see you brought someone with you," he remarks, his voice tinged with a hint of surprise.

Pingsi smiles, "This is Pingsi, Mi Gao's friend."

E'erbian nods, his expression softening slightly. "Pingsi, right. I've heard a lot about you."

Pingsi blushes, her eyes avoiding mine. "Thank you, E'erbian."

E'erbian smiles, the gesture reaching his eyes. "No need to be shy, Pingsi. I'm E'erbian. Let's not stand on ceremony."

I glance at Pingsi, who seems to take comfort in E'erbian's warmth. I appreciate the way E'erbian has always been able to put people at ease, even in the most difficult of situations.

As we chat, E'erbian shares stories about the old days when the bar was alive with laughter and music. His eyes twinkle with nostalgia, and I can't help but feel a pang of regret that we're no longer a part of that vibrant community.

The conversation lingers on as we share stories and laughter, the tension between us melting away like ice in the sun.

As the night draws to a close, E'erbian stands up and extends his hand. "It's been great to see you both again," he says, his eyes locking with mine. "If you ever need anything, just remember this place is always here for you."

I take his hand, feeling a sense of gratitude for the friendship we've shared. "Thanks, E'erbian. For everything."

With that, we part ways, the weight of misunderstanding and unspoken words lingering in the air like a ghostly specter. I return to Pingsi's room, her sleeping form a silent sentinel of dreams and memories yet to come.

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