

“我20歲來的紐約。 剛來時我晚上睡在基督教青年會, 白天就去周圍所有的時裝店, 給他們看我的作品集。 我臉皮薄, 幾乎都鼓不起勇氣, 甚至會在人家店外站上30分鐘才敢推門進去。

但後來我莫名其妙找到了給 Oleg Cassini 當插畫師的工作。 他是電影的主設計師。 我在那兒工作了六個月後, 他讓我畫一套草圖, 一共有五件衣服。 那些圖只是大概的輪廓, 就畫了畫接縫的位置。 他也沒跟我說過那些草圖是幹嘛用的。

幾周後, 我乘火車時, 在報紙上看到了我畫的那些草圖。 原來它們是設計來給甘迺迪夫人在白宮穿的衣服。

“I came to New York when I was twenty years old. At night I’d sleep at the YMCA, and during the day I’d go around to all the fashion houses and show them my portfolio. I was so shy that I could barely muster up the courage. I’d stand outside for thirty minutes before I even walked in the door.

But somehow I got a job as an illustrator for Oleg Cassini. He was a major designer in the movies. I’d been working there for six months when he asked me to sketch a collection of five dresses. They were just rough outlines to show where the seaming would be. He never told me what they were for.

Then a few weeks later I was riding on a train, and I saw my sketches in the newspaper. They were for Jackie Kennedy to wear in the White House.”


Humans of New York是紐約攝影師Brandon Stanton開創的街頭攝影計畫, 他每天在紐約的街頭尋找普通的紐約人, 請他們講述自己的生活和感悟, 簡單的幾句話裡常常有讓人會心一笑或者擊中人心的力量。

在Humans of New York的激勵下, 世界上很多城市都有人開始了類似的攝影項目, 其中也包括不少中國城市。 我們也會從中選擇部分有意思的故事不定期發佈。

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