

Carmody Groarke在英國鄉村住宅的場地上建造了如廢墟般的建築

Carmody Groarke creates two ruin-like pavilions in the grounds of English country home

在英國薩塞克斯農村的一座住宅和兩座新建築之間, 有著一條長達40米的隧道, 隧道聯通了幾座建築, 這片建築由Carmody Groarke事務所設計。

A 40-metre tunnel provides an undetectable connection between a house in rural Sussex and one of two pavilions designed by Carmody Groarke.

Carmody Groarke事務所位於倫敦, 負責該專案的設計, 專案包含一座湖畔民宿, 以及一座藝術家工作室, 工作室通過 18世紀磚石農舍改造而成。

該專案名為“Two Pavilions”, 同時還包含地下通道的設計, 這條地下通道內襯鋼材, 使用者只能通過這條道路進入湖畔民宿, 創造出一種獨特而隱蔽的體驗。

London practice Carmody Groarke was tasked with building a guest suite on a lake and creating an artist's studio within the brick walls of a ruined 18th-century farmhouse.

The project, aptly named Two Pavilions, also involved the construction of a subterranean steel-lined passage. This secret tunnel provides the only entrance to lake-side guest suite to create a "very special and secluded experience", said the architects.

建築位於湖畔, 由混凝土建造而成, 並且設置有延伸向水面的小型平臺。

室內的牆體上覆蓋著橡木板, 其中包含有臥室、浴室、小型廚房等功能區, 建築師在面向湖畔的一側設置了大型開窗, 湖面上還有一座鬱鬱蔥蔥的湖心小島。

Nestled into the steeply sloped banks of the lake, the pavilion is constructed from board-marked concrete and features a small deck suspended over the surface of the water.

The oak-lined interior contains a bedroom, bathroom and small kitchen, while a large window faces out over the tranquil man-made lake and a small island that is surrounded by greenery.

優越的景觀環境自然地阻隔了多餘的太陽熱量, 降低了建築的能源需求, 讓室內在全年都有著恒定的溫度。

建築師說:“在建築的周邊及屋頂都覆蓋著綠色植物, 並且為主要建築空間而遮蔽。 ”

New landscaping passively insulates the suite and tunnel, reducing the energy demand of the building and creating a stable temperature year round.

"The mass of the new room is partially submerged and surrounded by a densely planted new landscape that covers the sides and the roof, so the building is all-but obscured from the main house," explained the architects.

建築師將破舊的傳統磚石農舍進行了改造, 利用耐候鋼將其改造成藝術家工作室。

建築師說:“人們對於現有磚石建築的集體無意識、以及對手工質感的追求, 與其讓舊建築就此拆毀, 還不如讓它成為這個藝術空間的全新起點。 ”

Weathering steel additions transform a dilapidated brick farmhouse elsewhere in the grounds into the second of the two pavilions – an artist's studio.

"Rather than demolish its last remains, it was felt that the unselfconscious character and handmade quality to the existing brickwork structure would be the correct starting point to create a new space for making art," said the studio.


雖然這讓新舊建築之間有了明確的界限, 但它們還是一個整體。 ”

建築的屋頂鏽跡斑駁, 建築師在其下方開有四扇大型窗戶, 將特定的景觀引進室內, 同時呼應了周邊場地。

"The form of the old house was reconstructed, making the distinction of old and new very clear, but appearing coherent as a completed whole," it added.

Four large windows framed in weathering steel beneath the rusty toned roof are organised to create specific views and to respect the topographical levels of the surrounding landscape.

鋼框架與屋面延伸向外, 形成室外遮陽空間。 室內的主要採光來源於一個寬達4米的北側大開窗, 開窗面向一座果園, 使用者常常在那裡製作及展示雕塑作品。

建築師說:“特別的是, 在這座工作室周圍環繞有茂密的綠色植物, 最終這座建築將會淹沒在植物之中, 遠遠看去, 人們只能看見一片生銹的鋼屋面。 ”

The frames and roof overhanging the existing footprint to create a sheltered outdoor space. A further 4-metre-wide window provides the principal source of light, facing north into a new orchard where the client plans to make and show sculpture.

"Unusually, for a working building, the treatment of the landscape is proposed to closely immerse the structure, so that eventually it will envelope the building, leaving only the steel roof emerging visible above the long grasses and trees," said the architects.

“建築內部的手工材料與室外自然景觀形成鮮明對比。 ”

Carmody Groake建築事務所由建築師Kevin Carmody和 Andy Groarke于2006年創立, 當前的項目是Charles Rennie Mackintosh的山頂住宅修復項目, 建築位於蘇格蘭海倫斯堡。

建築師計畫運用一個透明體量將建築包裹其中, 這樣能夠讓建築在修復過程中免於遭受各項影響。

攝影:Johan Dehlin

"From within, the raw handmade material finishes of the inside will be highly contrasted by the very immediate presence of the surrounding natural landscape," they continued.

Carmody Groake, which was founded by architects Kevin Carmody and Andy Groarke in 2006, is currently working on a major restoration of Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Hill House in Helensburgh, Scotland.

The practice plans to erect a see-through hood over the building to help protect it from the elements during conservation works.

Photography is by Johan Dehlin.

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