
EDC China 雛菊電音嘉年華:EDC舞臺陣容時間表全公佈

陣容太豐富早就眼花繚亂, 四大原裝舞臺早就讓你按捺不住?每個DJ都不想錯過的你一定很期待哪些DJ會出現在什麼舞臺。 而現在如果能讓你擁有一項超能力, 你一定會選擇 —— 分身!終於!EDC各個舞臺陣容及時間表公開啦!Headliner們快來好好做計畫, 這兩天寶貴時間究竟會“臨幸”哪些藝人呢?

EDC China will bring you 4 authentic stages from Las Vegas with state of the art equipment and amazing effects. There is no doubt our Headliners will experience a great time being indulged in the authenticity of EDC in China, in Shanghai!


作為主舞臺, kineticFIELD一直是EDC的象徵之一。 自從2005年正式誕生以來, 就像征著EDC舞臺的最高標準。 這個神聖的舞臺在世界範圍內已經家喻戶曉, 從成立以來, 根據粉絲們的體驗和回饋不斷改進, 見證過幾乎世界上所有你耳熟能詳的大牌。

在其他舞臺一直聚集著最獨特的某類風格的粉絲的時候, kineticFIELD則一直彙聚包容著所有風格的粉絲。 在這個壯觀的舞臺下, 包含著絢麗的舞臺設計, 強勁的音效系統, 以及多樣化的演出內容。 這裡, 你將感受到最強勁的音樂來到你的生命中。 這個舞臺同時也是最主流風格的藝人為主, 今年主要是Future Bass, Electro House等風格。 EDC China上你將在這個舞臺上見到Don Diablo, Hardwell, Marshmello, Martin Garrix, Seven Lions等最大牌的DJ們。

kineticFIELD, EDC’s main stage, has always been a symbolic stage truly representing what EDC is all about, providing visitors scenic stage design since 2005. Nowadays this scenic stage has become a high quality standard for EDC all around the world. While other stages have more specific focus on certain genres, kineticFIELD embraces genres and music lovers of all kinds. Featuring mainstream artists including Don Diablo, Hardwell, Marshmello, Martin Garrix and many more amazing DJs loved by all Headliners.


我們崇拜夜空, 正如我們植根於舞蹈的土地上。 沒有什麼能比在circuitGROUNDS舞臺的舞池中間跳舞更暢快的事了。 circuitGROUNDS的舞臺裝飾和燈光一直是它的特色, 360度環繞音效, 最秀的鐳射, 射燈, 噴氣槍早就是這個舞臺玩膩了的裝備。 每年這個舞臺的舞美一直是EDC玩家們津津樂道的話題, 每年都不同的驚喜,

而今年, EDC承諾為大家帶來絕不比以前任何一代的circuitGROUNDS差的全新舞臺。 今年EDC China的circuitGROUNDS將包括各種音樂風格的領軍人物, trap女王Alison Wonderland, 死老鼠Deadmau5, 英國Tech House潮流先鋒Disclosure, 鳳凰之子Illenium等。 circuitGROUNDS將點燃你史詩般的激情旋律。

As much as we worship the night sky, we are rooted to the land on which we dance. Nothing can be compared to dancing in front of the circuitGROUNDS stage. Featuring great decors and lights, circuitGROUNDS is known for its 360 degrees stereo sound effects, dazzling lasers and SFX Jets. Every year audiences are amazed by its groundbreaking designs. At EDC China’s circuitGROUNDS you will find Alison Wonderland, Deadmau5, Disclosure, Illenium and many other leading and influential DJs.


作為最Heavy, 最Deep的舞臺, bassPOD是近兩年最受歡迎的舞臺。 屆時會有, NGHTMER、Flux Pavilion、Andy C、Pendulum、Snails、Ghastly等等知名DJs帶來大量古典和節奏!就如洪水猛獸一般衝擊你的耳膜。 由Insomniac旗下著名名牌Bassrush團隊呈現, bassPOD被設計為多種工業化元素的集合, 並附上超過600台燈光設備。 所有設計可以更好地讓Headbanger們甩他們的脖子。 bassPOD從一小個舞臺發展到現在擁有全世界無數粉絲, 也是見證和代表了Bass文化的發展。 無數Bass製作人登上這個舞臺為粉絲們帶來了最震撼的音樂, Bassrush甚至還為此成立了一個很成功的Bass音樂廠牌 —— Bassrush Records。

在美國, Bassrush團隊不僅僅在EDC Las Vegas的bassPOD上大獲成功, 在EDC Orlando和Beyond Wonderland的bass舞臺也都廣受好評。 此次EDC China特意為中國設計了全新的bassPOD舞臺, 只在中國有!準備好在這裡的Dubstep, Trap, Drum&Bass的世界中盡情搖擺吧。

bassPOD is the most popular stage for lovers of heavy bass and deep beats. Massive drum beats will flow through your body while dancing in bassPOD area. Presented by Bassrush, an Insomniac brand, bassPOD was designed to provide a mixture of various industrial elements containing over 600 different types of lighting equipment. All tailor made for the real headbangers out there. Countless bass producers have joined the bassPOD stage with their amazing shows. It became so successful that even a Bassrush record-label was launched to celebrate bassPOD’s massive succes.We specially designed a new BassPOD stage for China.You will find NGhtmer,Flux Pavilion,Andy C,Pendulum,Snails,Ghastly and many other DJs.Get ready to go absolutely mental in the world of Drum&Bass, Dubstep and Trap!


復古的設計, 承載著最未來的音效。 這個舞臺和它的名字一樣, 其實是一個音響造型的藝術巴士。 這個巴士將出現在現場的各個角落, 隨時隨地給你帶來驚喜和音樂。 這個巴士舞臺也是EDC的特色之一, 它吸引人們注意並不僅僅是憑藉它有創意的設計外形, 更重要的是車上的嘉賓。 車上會有你想不到的嘉賓近距離為你播放最與眾不同的音樂。 想要探索這輛巴士的驚喜?想要看看誰會在這輛車上打碟呢?快來現場自己探索吧。

Retro design with the most futuristic effects, shaped like an old school boombox, that’s Boombox Art Car. A moving stage showing up at random places onsite all day long, bringing uplifting beats anytime and anywhere. The Boombox Art Car is not only loved for its unique design but also for the great guest DJs playing its decks. Different DJs perform on the Boombox Art Car to provide you with an intimate DJ performance. Are you wondering who is playing on Boombox Art Car at EDC China? Come check it out yourself!

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